湖州精通汽车配件制造有限公司成立于2013年,坐落于长江三角洲经济区中心的湖州市,地理位置优越,交通十分便捷。我公司专业生产汽车发动机正时链系统产品:链条、链轮、张紧器和挡板,采用先进的设计制造工艺,优质的高碳含铬合金钢材料,按照GB/T14212-2003JB/T10348-200标准和严格的质量管理体系生产,产品质量稳定。 品质是我们立足市场之本,服务使我们取信于客户。 Huzhou Jingtong Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013 and located in Huzhou City,the center of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, the location is superior and the transportation is very convenient. We specialize in the production of automotive engine timing chain system products: chain, sprocket, tensioner and guide. Using advanced manufacturing technology and quality alloy steel materials with high-carbon and chromium, in accordance with GB/T14212-2003JB/T10348-200 standards and strict quality management system, our products quality is high and stable. Quality is our foothold in this market, service win the trust of our clients.